A4-Shiny paper $2
Frame with line around image
Rag cotton paper - $90 square meter
inkjet paper obsorbs ink - dye
German etching paper - ink sits on top - easily smudged - pigment on top of paper
Series of images can be displayed in box
can do framing courses - to exhibit
space between glass and frame - adds different feel to image
neutral frames
Websites - domain central
Luke simon - wedding commerical
Dave Evans
Sharpen before print open one at 50% and another at 100%
Smart Sharpen - sharpen what needs to be sharpened
"hallos" eg plants flowers
black frame next to white boarder adds balances out feel to the image not to dark not to white
sharpen to the point where the image starts to lose itself
cant sharpen images that are out of focus
look at all areas of image- no dust spots
After working on my final Narririve and finishing four of the five images:
Harry Potter Werewolf - Large Pupil
Example Werewolfs Eye
Eye that I started - Oval shaped.
Given more time, I would most likly chnage some of my images - i dont feel like the last two images convey a narritive very much, I would make scratches on trees or include a girl witin in the images. I feel like the last image looks good as a shot but the wolfman isnt doing anything interesting it doesnt make you ask whats happening in the image as much as id like it too.